
Working List

Child of Light is an upcoming game, soundtrack

Telescopic Text – Looking for a browser/browser addon to this effect some day

Article on record-setting caving

Vemeer as artificer

Parallax view – imagine being able to take and then view 3D images like this by tilting your phone around. A commenter from hackernews points out that instead of guessing the parallax and faking the extra data required when converting flat images to 3D, this additional information can come from the slightly varied perspectives generated by your hand shaking as you take the photo.

Half-Life speed run

How do CAT scans work? – The slices are different than you’d think

Foldscope (1) (2) – Very cool

Rent Splitter

April 27th tornado path

- play
- read
- use
- watch
- art
- biology
- linkdump
- medical
- nature
- videogame
- webtool