
Dinner Time

The question is whether civilization as we know it can survive a transformation from values laid down by a few (the elite) to a global auction offering different and often conflicting values and perceptions. With luck a kind of benign global civilization may emerge. The alternative is conflicts born out of values justifying violence and armed conflicts against those who think otherwise — the easy way.

A New Dark Age by Joergen Oerstroem Moeller

Guide to Dim Sum and Guide to Dumplings – hungering and informative

The Egg by Andy Weir – too chummy, but fine

Name of the Year – curated amazing names, including background on where each one came from. Some samples: Moses Regular, Win Thin, Joko Widodo, Dr. Wallop Promthong, Infinite Grover

Cloud Chamber – watch uranium decay in real time

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – update

Andy Gilmore – update

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- death
- food
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- life
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- politics